Queen Esther

A Hero For Her People

Author: Heather Lynn
Illustrator: Lauren Mays

Illustration of Queen Esther

Here she was…Queen Esther, or Hadassah as was her Jewish name. She stood before her mirror and looked at her appearance as her maids fawned over her and helped her prepare for the banquet. She had stood before this mirror many times before. Memories came flooding to her as she examined herself. She had been queen now for five years and had seen God perform miracle after miracle. To the Jews, she may have been considered a hero, but to her, the real hero was God the Father. He had always taken care of her.

She remembered the first time she had stood before this mirror like it was yesterday. She was preparing for a banquet that day as well; this time it was in her honor. She was just a young woman. Out of all the women who had been brought to the kingdom, she had caught the eye of the king. She slowly walked to the window and spied her cousin Mordecai near the courtyard. He came everyday to seek information about how Esther was doing. Mordecai was more like a father than a cousin. He had adopted her after the death of her parents and raised her like his own daughter. She was forever grateful to him for his hospitality and love. He helped heal her heart in a time of tragedy. She had kept her nationality and family background a secret so no one knew who Mordecai was. If they knew that she was a Jew, she could endanger the life of not only her, but Mordecai as well. They had been exiled to Babylon many years ago and now they had made this place a home. It wasn’t like Jerusalem, but they made do. The banquet was extravagant. King Xerxes even declared it a public holiday and gave generous gifts to everyone.

The next few years were bliss. Mordecai even became a public official, so she got to see more of him. However, she continued to follow Mordecai’s directions, just as she always did when she lived in his house. She continued to keep her background a secret. Mordecai was so loyal, not only to her, but also to the king. One day when he was on duty at the gate, he overheard two of the king’s eunuchs plotting to kill the king. He immediately came and told her and she relayed the message to the king, giving Mordecai credit. He had saved the king’s life.

illustration of Mordecai telling Esther to about the plot against the King and Esther is shocked

It wasn’t long, though, before trouble came to Mordecai. A man named Haman had become one of the most powerful officials over all the land. King Xerxes had commanded the officials to bow down before Haman to show respect; however, Mordecai was not going to bow down before anyone but the Lord. This angered Haman and soon he had a full-blown plan to destroy not only Mordecai, but all of the Jews. When Mordecai heard the news, he wept and went into a state of mourning. He went throughout the city weeping and wailing. The Jews joined him in mourning as they realized their fate. Esther stood before her mirror once again when her maids and eunuchs came and told her about Mordecai and the Jews. She immediately sent her attendant to find out more and he delivered a very important message. Her cousin wanted her to go to the king and plead on behalf of their people. What he didn’t understand was that he hadn’t called for her to come to him for thirty days. If she went to him without being summoned, she could be killed! The message Mordecai sent next would echo in her heart forever. He told her that she would not be able to escape the same destruction as her people, but the part that wouldbecome her purpose throughout her reign was this: “Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?” Esther told her cousin to gather all of the Jews and fast. She would go before the king and plead on their behalf. If it meant her life, then so be it. She would try everything she could to save them.

Queen Esther approaches the king

Once again she was in front of her mirror, preparing to go before the king. Would this be the last time she’d stand here examining her appearance? She suppressed the fear in her heart as she approached the king. Maybe God had made her queen for this very moment. The king was happy to see her and offered her anything she wanted! She invited the king and Haman to a banquet and would explain to the king how Haman was plotting to kill the Jews. Over the next few days she would see God work in mighty ways. First, the king remembered how Mordecai had saved his life previously and had Haman reward him. This brought Haman so much anger. Then, she exposed Haman and his plan at the banquet. The king not only put a stop to Haman’s schemes, but he also gave Queen Esther the ability to reverse Haman’s order and bring victory to her people.

Now, the king not only knew Mordecai’s relation to her, but he had promoted him to a high position and he had gained the respect of all of the Jews. He continued working for the good of the people throughout his days. None of this would have happened if Queen Esther hadn’t gone before the king. She had saved her people.

Queen Esther was a hero. She put the needs of her people above her position, her favor with the king, and her very life. She knew that God had been with them when they were exiled, and He would be with them as they lived in Babylon under King Xerxes’ reign. God was the true hero to her because he had taken care of them and delivered them from the hands of Haman. She allowed herself to be His vessel so He could use her and bring the deliverance of the Jews. She became a hero for her people.

Christian blogger Heather Lynn

Heather Lynn

Heather Lynn is a teacher, mom of three children, and a pastor’s wife. She and her husband have been serving churches for the last 15 years. Writing, reading, blogging, and women’s ministry are just a few of her passions. She also loves studying the Word and teaching women to grow deeper in their walk with the Lord through Bible studies and conferences. You can read her personal blog at: www.hisbrokenremnant.wordpress.com

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